Halloween 2022
Another year, another esoteric Lia Costume.
-My instagram page @liatsurdesigns
Brian De Palma’s 1974 film Phantom of the Paradise is a certified cult classic. Loosely adapting classics like Phantom of the Opera, Faust and The Picture of Dorian Gray, this movie is absolutely Insane. It was recommended to me by several people over the years and when I watched it I was instantly enamored. My favorite character was the La Carlotta replacement Beef, a glam rock primma donna. Beef is given the best outfits in the movie, but my favorite by far is the red Frankenstein outfit he wears midway through the film. I was determined to create my own rendition of it in a style I love. Given the opportunity, there’s a few corrections I’d make, but I’m beyond thrilled with the outcome.