Costume Supervisor

Island of Servants

Directed by Christopher Akerlind

Lead Design by Margot Le Duy

The CalArts take on Isle of Slaves, written by Pierre de Marivaux and translated to English by Neil Bartlett, is a wonderfully eclectic show was led by lighting designer Chris Akerlind, and it was both a joy and a handful to supervise. Featuring a cast of 18, each of whom had a separate and at times complex costume that took time to assemble and perfect before each show including corsets, big skirts, drag makeup, wigs and heels. The show was truly an endlessly creative celebration of color


Iphicrates: Maria Jurado
Harlequin: Alex Hubble
Trivelin: Nina Malinow
Cleanthis: Cordelia Leigh
Euphrosine: Aviana Glover
Islanders: Freddy Fu, Luca Jarosz, Chang Kyu Lee, Atlas Molina, Lily Payne, Trenton Rothbard, Jordyn Ryan, Kimi Sheng, Sage Michael Stone, Emma Stuart-Box, Sam Sutton, Kenzie Welch, Elijah Wright


Director: Christopher Akerlind
Scenic Designer: Jennifer (Soyeon) Park
Lighting Designer: Becky King
Sound Designer: Jon Flikkie
Costume Designer: Margot Le Duy
Movement Director: Claire Kilgore
Music Director: Dylan Allen Todd
Technical Director: Gigi Moreno
Intimacy Coordinator: Emily Barasch
Assistant Director: Tatou Dede
Assistant Scenic Designer: Tilda Seo
Master Electrician: Ella Fornof
Assistant Costume Designer: Briana Newson
Assistant Technical Director: Charlie Jacobs
Producer: Vladimir Tuaev
Production Manager: Bill Ballou
Stage Manager: Sami Hansen
Associate Production Supervisor: Clara King
Assistant Stage Manager: Winky Kim
Assistant Stage Manager: Abbs Stoiber

